Votion “life” Update

Hey team! We hope you’ve been well. Our office has been SUPER busy the last six months and undergoing several changes, so we apologize to have been M.I.A. from updating our blog on these happenings. While our other social media has remained current, we would love to get our blog followers up-to-date as well.

Our first change six months ago: Going from two Office Managers to one. Previously, Votion was managed by both Cristian and Jake, but, due to the coming birth of his firstborn child, Cristian decided to move closer to family in Utah. While we miss Cristian’s presence in the office, Jake has adjusted and was able to quickly pick up where he left off. Occasionally we still hear from Cristian, and it sounds like he is doing very well. His wife gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl in May, and she is the light of their lives.



One of Jake’s first orders of business as the sole manager was to move our firm to a more functional office space. Our previous office had a lot of extra, unused space, which didn’t make sense to keep so we downsized. Our new location provides the perfect amount of square footage as well as a bit of wiggle room for growth. There’s also available community area in our building that can be reserved for important meetings and conferences as needed. This eliminated our need for a larger office in general – Score!

At the time both of these changes felt huge for our team, but, with a brief adjustment period, we would come to realize that not much was actually changing. Same coworkers, same roles, same clients, and (for some) same manager. Given how other larger companies have handled such changes, our management team was prepared for a bit of unease from team members. However, we assured the crew that there absolutely still was job security and that we were working diligently behind the scenes to make transitions as easy as possible for all involved. Jake cannot commend our team enough for taking these moves in stride and not missing a beat. Things could have gone awry, but the transition was seamless thanks to the managers’ effective planning and our flexible team.

Our company culture is very important to us, so annual company events, frequent volunteering, team outings, and national/regional conferences are still in full swing (regardless of any changes).


Our Memorial Day beach BBQ and Labor Day camp out were a ton of fun. We really enjoy these annual events that allow us to spend quality time with our coworkers and their families while having some fun in the sun.





Votion has maintained company volunteer efforts with our usual partners, but have also added two new ones: American Red Cross and the Salvation Army. We are also looking forward to the annual Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light the Night Walk in October. The Light the Night Walk is the cause we had first got involved with three years ago, and our team expanded our reach of giving back to our local community from there.


From early spring until now, a new team event we have began hosting is a monthly leader’s dinner. This event is by invite only and is a great way for leaders of our office to get together and brain storm where we would like Votion to go as a company. We expected leader’s dinner to be helpful for employee feedback, but the results that came out from just out first meeting was beyond what we could have imagined. The feedback from our team has helped get the ball rolling for future team workshops, more efficient employee training, and expected expansions.





Votion still frequently holds team nights twice a month, but has also started a company Dungeons and Dragons group that meets on the opposite weeks. The idea was posed by our soon-to-be Assistant Manager, David, and several team members were interested in attending. What started as an average sized D&D group of six, quickly grew to 10. It’s safe to assume that the excited chatter from each group meet sparked curiosity around our office, and several more people wanted to check out what all the fun was about. This is David’s largest group that he has ever been the “Dungeon Master” (the storyteller) for, but he is looking forward to the challenge.


The newest change that is fast approaching is the acquisition of a new client: Uber. With this pilot program (as with any trial run) we anticipate a lot of trial and error to figure out the bumps and create a great campaign for our new client. To head this campaign, Jake has selected seasoned Account Manager, Stephanie, and new Account Manager, Ben. The expected launch date with Uber is sometime during the week of the 7th of October. We will update our social media on this as we have more information available.



As if we weren’t busy enough with all of the above, we are now beginning the preparations for a Halloween party at the end of October and an expansion to Salem, Oregon by the end of the year. Our team certainly keeps us on our toes, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Each member plays an instrumental role in our work family, and we think they deserve the absolute best.

Cheers to a great (and productive) rest of the year!

March Employee of the Month!

March Employee of the Month!

Congratulations to Wally on being selected by his peers as our March employee of the month!

Get to know Wally:

Wally is a “foodie.” His ability to pair foods is unparalleled and highly sought after in the high-end restaurant industry of Portland. Wally appreciates comfort foods, like pasta dishes, and feels that it takes him back to his roots. This isn’t his only talent in the restaurant industry, Wally is also great at bar tending and event planning. “What will take professionals hours to decide on for table setting, I can just look at and know where things are supposed to go,” says Wally. One of the most interesting facts about Wally is how many influential people he has got to meet in his life. Due to his long career in the restaurant industry, he has had the privilege of meeting Margaret Thatcher, Condoleezza Rice, and Mohamed Ali to name a few. When he’s not working, Wally enjoys playing disc gold and watching sports. He says he is looking forward to the Masters, which is a golf tournament for the best of the best players coming up on April 7th.  One of Wally’s favorite past times is at Green Lake, Maine. He used to spend summers there with his family and friends swimming, water skiing, and having barbeques. He looks forward to visiting his family on a low-key vacation there some day.


Wally’s thoughts on Votion:

“Wally is an instrumental member of our team at Votion,” says Assistant Manager, Michael. Wally is consistently a high roller in the office, often setting the pace for the rest of the team, which has helped him be viewed as a leader that people can look to for guidance. What he likes most about working at Votion is that he is in control of his own destiny. “What I accomplish, or don’t, is solely determined by myself — not dictated by someone else’s opinion of me,” says Wally. Another thing he appreciates about the culture of Votion is that it fosters a learning environment. “I can honestly say that I have learned at least one thing from everyone I work with,” says Wally. The biggest factor for Wally reaching his own business goals is preparing himself the night before for his next day of work. He admits he may not be the best at thinking on his feet but given the time to organize his thoughts and game plan he can outperform others. Wally hopes to be promoted to a Manager by the end of the year and is currently laying the groundwork towards that goal.

Votion holds Spirit Week competition

Votion holds Spirit Week competition


Votion employees recently participated in a Spirit Week contest to bring some friendly competition into the office.

The goal: Participating in the “challenge” for each day of the week to win.

The week started out with a “company colors” challenge, where everyone was told to wear Votion colors — green and purple.

Tuesday was a “ugly scarf and tie day.” Team members came to work wearing their ugliest scarf or tie.


Wednesday’s challenge was to see which employee could perform the best in the field that day. Then Thursday’s challenge was extra fun: “dress up like who you wanted to be when you grew up.”

Votion’s Human Resources Director, Rachel, dressed up as a chef.

The week ended with a “casual Friday” challenge. (We think this was everyone’s favorite, to be honest.) 🙂


And the winner was…

Team member Wally!


He completed every challenge and won a lunch with Votion Manager Cristian.

Wally said the competition was a nice distraction from work. He had a hard time coming up with what he wanted to be when he grew up, but ending up choosing “to be retired at the beach somewhere.” He showed up to work wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Manager Cristian said he got a kick out of that.

The competition was a “total success,” said Votion Assistant Manager Michael. He says he enjoyed it so much, he thinks we should do it quarterly.

Comment below with your challenge ideas for next time!

Votion celebrates the holidays with company party

Votion celebrates the holidays with company party

Votion decided to end 2017 with a bang by having a company holiday party on December 16th, complete with a potluck dinner and white elephant gift exchange.


The party was held at manager Cristian’s house. He just moved in a couple of months previous, and it was the first party he and his wife Sonja hosted there, which they both really enjoyed, Sonja said.

Christmas music filled the air, and Cristian and Sonja don’t have a fireplace, but played a YouTube video of a crackling fireplace on their TV to set the mood.

The night’s main attraction was the white elephant gift exchange. Gifts included Star Wars wine glasses, hot sauces, a DIY ugly sock kit, and a white elephant decoration (which everyone thought was a great pun).

Check out what everyone received below! (These were all taken before the final switch of the game.)







Possibly the funniest moment of the night was when manager Jake opened his gift. Watch what happened:

Account manager David thought it’d be fun to prank whoever opened the gift he brought. Good one, David!


It was definitely a night to remember.

Votion wishes everyone the best New Year yet!



Votion travels to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Votion travels to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

A few of Votion’s management team members had the opportunity to go to the Dominican Republic last week for a Relax & Rejuvenation Retreat. They stayed in the beautiful all-inclusive Hard Rock Hotel in Punta Cana.

Staying at the Hard Rock made them feel like kings!


The group arrived at the Hard Rock on Sunday, Oct. 15th. There were no R&R activities planned for that day, so everyone got settled into their rooms and spent the rest of the day at the pool and exploring the resort.



The second day started with an awards ceremony to recognize and celebrate the top achievers of 2017. It was so fun and motivating to see colleagues reach goals, set new ones for 2018 and get applauded for their hard work.3458456B-8ABE-423E-9551-2EA651C8BE0A




“I really appreciated the opportunity to see how other professionals in my industry enjoy vacation retreat like this; unstring the bow, as it were,” said Cristian, Votion Manager. “It’s different when you see a manager take a vacation as compared to an employee take a vacation. Another thing that was amazing was the fact that everything was paid for by our upper management, so we felt like we were really taken care of as a reward for all of our hard work and effort’s over this past year.”

Later that night, R&R attendees were invited to Club R&R, a party specifically planned for the retreat.


The resort’s ballroom was set up like a swanky nightclub, and there was dancing, a photo booth, delicious appetizers and desserts, and fire-breathing jugglers!


The following day was a free day, and attendees could choose to do whatever they want. Votion team members swam in the ocean, relaxed by more of the pools, ate at various restaurants and even ventured outside the resort to go zip lining!




Votion Administrative Assistant Sonja snapped this pic of a cute little frog by one of the pool showers!


“Jake and I took a day excursion to get some time away from the resort,” said Rachel, Votion Human Resources Administrator. “We did two zip lining courses, swam in a waterfall, horseback riding, an eco tour, a flight simulation, and (my favorite activity) zorbing. Zorbing is when you’re strapped in a giant ball and, in our case, rolled down a hill. Now I know what it’s like when I accidentally knock my hamster while in his ball. The excursion was a blast, but I most enjoyed my time at the Hard Rock’s pool parties.”


Jake, another Manager at Votion, said his favorite part about the Hard Rock was experiencing an all inclusive resort.

“Also, the adventure park. Zip lining over the jungle was a blast!”





Sonja,Votion Administrative Assistant,  loved the 24-hour room service. 🙂


The team left Punta Cana relaxed, rejuvenated, a little sunburnt, and ready to make this next year the best one yet.